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Responsible Travel


What is Responsible Travel?

Responsible Travel, simply put, is travel that creates better places for people to live in, and better places to visit. Responsible tourism is fast becoming a global trend. Recognizing the global significance and importance of the responsible tourism has inspired Vietnam’s Responsible Travel Club.
Created by the World Travel Mart (WTM), World Responsible Tourism Day, is celebrated annually during November. World Responsible Tourism Day is endorsed by the World Tourism Organisation and World Travel and Tourism Council.

Why Responsible Travel?

  • Here are some of the benefits of responsible travel and traveling responsibility:
  • Minimizes negative economic, environmental and social impacts.
  • Generates greater economic benefits for local people, enhancing the quality of life for host communities.
  • Improves working conditions and accessibly to the tourism industry.
  • Involves local people in decisions that affect their lives.
  • Contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural capital.
  • Provides more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more meaningful connections with local people. Enhances understanding of local cultural, as
  • Well as social and environmental issues among tourists.
  • Provides employment for physically challenged people.
  • Encourages respect between tourists and hosts.
  • Builds community pride and confidence.
  • Works towards mitigating climate change



  • Mr. Kevin - (+84) 913052258

  • Mrs. Tracy - (+84) 982058118

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